Wel Come to Raghunathpur Spot-Light Society


We visualized to achieve a value based sustainable society which will be free from injustice, exploitation, war and should be based on love , peace, mutual respect for one another, cooperation and peaceful co-existence of human being with nature.


To work for awareness generation among the people and promotion of participatory community action for sustainable health, education, basic human rights, skill development and socio-economic self reliance.

Quick Contact

Tel: +913221-256533


Raghunathpur Spot Light Society (RSLS) is one of the active NGOs in West Bengal (India). The organization has been working relentlessly since its inception with spontaneous participation of its target population- mainly the people of Primitive Tribe Group (PTG), minority Muslim and backward communities like Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribes. However, it is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit making welfare organization working for the sustainable development of the people, especially which are the poorest among the poor. "Education is one of the basic needs to uplift the society"

We work on:

1. Primitive Tribe Group/Schedule Caste/Schedule
Tribe/minority development.
2. Child development.
3. Mass Education.
4. Health and Family welfare awareness.
5. Raising AIDS awareness.
6. Disabilities welfare facilities.
7. Self Employment Training Programmes.
8. Environmental Awareness Programmes.
9. Pollution Awareness Programmes.
10. Other Social Works like Ambulance Service, donate cloths and
        other necessary elements needed to the Socially Backwards.


We visualized to achieve a value based sustainable society which will be free from injustice, exploitation, war and should be based on love , peace, mutual respect for one another, cooperation and peaceful co-existence of human being with nature.


To work for awareness generation among the people and promotion of participatory community action for sustainable health, education, basic human rights, skill development and socio-economic self reliance.


1. To involve the poor, the marginalized and the women in the development intervention.

2. To organize need based training to the people, both men and women, to upgrade their knowledge, capacities and skills.

3. To develop women as equal partners with men at all levels of the society and all spheres of development for gender justice and equity.

4. To provide all types of support services to the children of socio-economically disadvantaged families to become potential citizen of the country.

5. To provide health care services with emphasis on health education, women’s health and child care, community health, rural sanitation, preventive measures against diseases.

6. To identify and bring small groups, people’s organizations and like minded NGOs on a common platform through promotion of issue based network to fight for justice for the people.

7. To take action against area specific environmental degradation and to promote eco-friendly measures and judicious utilization of natural resources for the benefit and sustainable development of the people.


The Raghunathpur Spot Light Society was established on 2nd April 2002. The area of functioning of this society is West Midnapur, Purulia & Bankura District of West Bengal, India. ...................................... Read More